Showing posts with label FFLTME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FFLTME. Show all posts

Sunday, November 29, 2020

5 Tips I learnt from moving an office!

Last month, I was busy handling moving out of my office into a new building. The location of the new office was not far, only about 5km away. However, the work was very demanding. The old office was big, with about 1000 assets in the building (various types of assets, for example, cupboards, computers, tables and so on). The number of existing officers is only 14, but the department was a big department with about 100 officers previously.

We hired a removal company to assist the work of wrapping, carrying and installing the assets. The work took about 3 weeks to finish overall. Here are some reflections on what I have learnt from the experience:

1. Planning and preparation helps to smooth the process

Before the work started, we had several meetings and lots of preparation work needed to be done. For example, tabling out the quantity of the assets, measuring the lengths, labelling all the assets and the locations and so on. I think without proper planning, the work will be sluggish and we would not finish on time. 

2. Be open minded to adjust with any unforeseen circumstances

When the work started the movers came in and wrapped the assets and brought them to the new location. Many unpredicted events started to unfold. Many changes needed to be done and many decision needed  to be made fast and comprehensively. At this time, one needed to think quickly, get as much feedback as possible and then act fast. Be ready for plan B, C, D and so on if plan A does not work. Be ready to be creative and act differently.

3. Working together as a team

This is so crucial in order to achieve success. Working together as a team and helping each other is so important. We needed to understand that there will be some of us that need to think and work harder. So we made it easy for that person by helping him. It is so important to put aside selfishness and focus to finish the work. Everyone needs to play their part.

4. Communication is the key; miscommunication is the enemy

This is so important to remember. Check your facts. Never truly believe something that you heard from a third party. Always remember to check what been said so that there will be no miscommunications. Miscommunication can give bad consequences not only for present but also for later.

5. Stress and tiredness are temporary; there’s a rainbow after the storm

The work really made the whole team - and me - tired and stressed sometimes. It demanded physical work and also strategic thinking or else things will be a mess. No matter how demanding it was, always remember after the hard work, that everything will be back to normal and we can enjoy working in a new environment.

PS: Smiling is magic!

Sunday, August 09, 2020

5 Tips for teachers to STAY ENERGETIC at school despite being as BUSY AS A BEE!

The tight teaching schedule and additional activities at school make teachers tired and less energetic especially on the days when the teaching schedule means back to back classes. It's really hard to gather energy.

This time, here are 5 Tips for teachers to STAY ENERGETIC despite being as BUSY AS BEE for teacher!:

1. Eat

EAT either breakfast or lunch. No matter how busy the teacher is, EATING should not be forgotten. If you do not EAT, how can there be energy for the class later? There are days when the teaching schedule is tight, you need to plan your EAT time! Imagine if you do not have time to eat your breakfast, then the class continues until break time and then break time suddenly there is ad hoc work, when is the time to for you to EAT? So do not forget to EAT.

2. Choose nutritious foods

When you eat, choose foods that are nutritious and balanced in the content of carbohydrates, protein and so on. Eat vegetables and fruits to stay energized.

3. Drink water

This is another important point that teachers sometimes forget. Don’t forget to drink water instead of iced lemon tea or iced milo full of sugar. Especially when tired, these sweet drinks are very tempting. If students can bring a bottle of water to class, the teacher can also do the same to stay HYDRATED.

4. Exercise at least 3 times a week

Do not forget to exercise to get a healthy and energetic body. Even if you are tired after teaching, try to find time to exercise for a while. Or, during teaching time, include physical activities while teaching maths or language. By doing this, you can achieve your teaching objectives and your exercise activities!

5. Plan a variety of classroom activities

To make sure the teacher has time to 'breathe' and take a break while teaching, diversify activities in the classroom. You do not have to keep talking or moving from the beginning to the end of the class. You can save energy for another class by having discussion activities between students, group activities or give short exercises.

PS: take a lot of deep breath please!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

5 Tips to control anger and to avoid becoming FIERCE LIKE A LION in the classroom because of students' behaviour

Sometimes the personality of a teacher in the classroom is not the same as outside of the classroom. A teacher who is sweet, beautiful or handsome and gentle can suddenly turn fierce like a LION in the classroom if something is triggered by the students' behavior. There are many behaviours that can trigger a teacher's anger, for example students playing around while the teacher is teaching, not paying attention during a lecture, not getting involved in the activity provided and not doing the exercises given.

Teachers - you can be angry and fierce, but let it be in the right way and deal it with the best way possible.

Here are 5 Tips to control anger and to avoid becoming fierce like a lion in the classroom because of students' behaviour:

1. Imagine the situation in the classroom when planning a lesson.

As we plan what to do in class, we can also imagine what might happen in class. Who can make us angry? What can make us angry? What is going to happen in the class when I do this activity? When we have imagined, we can be ready to face the situation if it really happens. We can start to figure out the way out of the problem beforehand.

2. Personal problems, try to keep them outside of the classroom.

When you are entering the classroom, all personal problems should be kept outside of the classroom. Only bring your colourful cheerful teacher personality in and let go of all the worries and problems unrelated to the teaching and learning. Family problems, love problems, let them all go before entering. Focus on teaching and learning in the classroom. It's easy to say, but even if it's difficult, you still have to be a professional.

3. Do not be easily hurt or easily offended.

This tip is easy to write but not easy to do. Once our heart is scratched, no one can control the reaction. However, when entering the classroom we have to take it lightly on small matters so that we can be less easily offended. Maybe you just have to forgive the little things and as usual, just focus on students' learning.

4. Do not make everyone bear the consequences when only one student triggers the anger.

In the classroom, there must be students who will make us feel hurt and angry. Give kind advice. Act towards the right person and do not let the innocents be punished for no reasons. One bad apple spoils the lot. 

5. Take a deep breath and rationalise!

This is the easiest thing to do. If you feel angry, take a deep breath and calm down. Rationalise by asking Is it worth the energy to get angry? Or is there another way? May the anger will subside when you breathe deeply!

ps: Anger is a normal human being feeling, but it can be controlled!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

5 Tips to ADD FEAR OF MATHEMATICS to students that should be AVOIDED

Teaching and introducing mathematics to students is challenging and if approached wrongly, we might increase fear of mathematics. In general, mathematics is often considered difficult to understand and requires an understanding of mathematical concepts.

Here are 5 Tips to ADD FEAR OF MATHEMATICS to students that should be AVOIDED 

1. Teach completely verbally without any practical

Mathematics subjects, if only taught verbally, will definitely have bad consequences. That is why this subject needs practical explanation. If you want to understand the basic concepts of mathematics, you also need to see how to do it - the practical side of it. Simple example: When we learn to count 1 to 10, at least we use our fingers as tools to help us understand. 

2. Teaching once is enough

Is teaching the students once enough for them to understand maths? What do you think? If you show something once to your students, you may only let them be able to know but not understand the concept thoroughly resulting in them forgetting what they have learned. Teaching mathematics needs to be repeated with various forms of questions and methods. Just teaching something once to show them the way to solve mathematical problems is not enough. An important note to remember is that there are many ways of getting the answer to mathematical problems as long as you are creative!

3. Being strict and fierce with the students all the time; not chilling at all in the class

One thing to keep in mind when teaching mathematics is the relationship between teachers and students. The subject of mathematics is difficult already, so try to avoid adding to that difficulty by becoming too fierce. Please relax and chill a bit. Just because your students get it wrong, why does it make you angry and scold the students?

4. Giving many exercises

It is true that students need a lot of exercises to be proficient and remember what they have learned in mathematics. But giving too many exercises can become a burden to them that hinders them to even like the subject. You have given them some exercises that can be completed in class, so some relevant number of exercises to be brought home as homework should be enough. Sometimes, when the students cannot finish the homework given to them, they will be afraid of going to school the next day! - talking from personal experience.

5. Not allowing students to make noise and discuss in the class!

If students discuss with their friends how to solve maths questions during class, is it wrong? Is it noisy for you? Is it irritating? What if there are students who learn through discussing with friends? What if they talk to each other to solve the problem given to them? Remember, learning activities also occur when students socialise. Sometimes through discussions among themselves, understanding can be nurtured. So, you can encourage them to discuss and do group work as well.

PS: sometimes it's not about the subject but how you introduce it

Thursday, July 16, 2020

5 tips to teach how to answer MATHEMATICS PROBLEM SOLVING QUESTIONS for weaker students

Students are often scared by Mathhematics Problem Solving Questions when asked either during the examination or in the classroom. For weaker students, the problem-solving questions become more complicated if they cannot understand the questions properly. So here are 5 Tips to teach the students on how to answer mathematics problem solving questions:

1. Reset student mindset: YOU CAN DO IT!

The most important thing is to make sure that the students are not afraid when confronted with problem-solving questions. So our job is to try to reset their minds to see that this type of question can be resolved. There is an answer. Although the question may be confusing and not straight forward, there is a way to solve it. We don't just have to direct, tell or speak to them, but we need to make them feel that the question can be solved. For example, frequently introduce problem-solving questions at the beginning of the lesson and do not wait to introduce them only after the end of the lesson.

2. Read quickly the first time and underline any value or numbers you see

Once the mind is set correctly, now we can focus on the question. Teach students to read the questions quickly from start to finish. When students see numbers or mathematical operations involved in a question sentence, they need to mark or underline them in order to prepare themselves to understand the question. It looks simple, but very helpful!

3. Read and understand the questions

After reading fast, you can read again to understand the question. This time read to find clues one by one. Take your time. If necessary, while reading, sketch, write a short note to understand what steps to take to get answers.

4. DO IT!

This is most important. DO! TRY! This is usually what the weaker students do not do. They decided to leave the question and do nothing. Force yourself to try to DO it and put aside whether what you did was right or wrong. The most important thing to DO and TRY. DO IT!


Even if it is wrong and students do not understand, do not give up on them. Encourage students by providing positive feedback even when the answer is wrong. Do not just cross "X" the wrong answer. See and value their efforts!

PS: do you still remember the time you first encounter problem solving question during primary school?

Friday, June 26, 2020

5 tips to connect learning activities with the environment ... magnificently!

The connection between classroom learning activities and the everyday environment is often overlooked. By focusing on finishing the syllabus, we sometimes forget to connect learning activities with the environment. These connections are important for students to see clearly the application of their learning to their daily lives. 

So here are 5 Tips for connecting learning activities with the environment ... magnificently!:

1. Give examples drawn from the environment when you teach your students

Try as frequently as you can to connect the lessons with the environment. Try to give the example by using the  environment so that students can see other perspectives. For example: A tree is not just a tree, a tree can be a way of learning how to make a sentence, a tree can be a way of studying photosynthesis, a tree can be an understanding of illegal logging and a tree can be a theatre background!

2. Always use simple teaching aids

Good and effective teaching aids can enhance students' understanding. The closer the teaching aids to the student’s life, the better. It's easier for students to connect with their environment. Let them see that the knowledge that they have learned is useful and is connected to the environment. No knowledge is learned in vain.

3. Always give students time to think and ask connection questions

When we explain something, try to open up the students’ minds with open ended questions that make them think and relate to the environment. What are some other uses for umbrellas? How can you count to 10 if you don't use your fingers? What objects in this class have the shape of a triangle?

4. Always give students time to say their thoughts and appreciate their views

After you ask the students to think, you should give them some time to think and allow them time to talk too. Whether by talking to friends or to you. There is no need to worry about the noise that the class make as long as the discussion is on the right track. Give them space to express their opinions and views. Appreciate their ideas. Avoid judging their ideas and increase their openness by providing guidance and support.

5. Occasionally use the surrounding area for learning activities

For better, deeper and lasting learning, take the students out of the classroom. Have classes in the field, in the hall, outside the area. Just be sure to plan the class and prioritise safety, security and get the right permission. By having the class outside of the normal classroom, it can give students the idea that learning can happens anywhere and in any environment. They will never forget these learning experiences. 

PS: How do you train yourself to be open and accept people’s ideas?

Saturday, June 20, 2020

5 Tips to Make Teaching Aids MEANINGFUL AND AWESOME

Teaching Aids can help teachers to make teaching more meaningful if used well in the class. Effective use of Teaching Aids can enhance students' memory of the topic being taught and can create concrete connections.

Well, here are 5 tips to use when preparing your Teaching Aids to make the learning meaningful and awesome:

1. Adapt the Teaching Aids  to the learning objectives

When planning teaching and learning, review the objectives. Ask the question: Are my Teaching Aids in line with the objective? Are my Teaching Aids pitched too low or too high for the students? For example, if we want to teach students how to fish, we should not take a bike and teach them how to ride a bike. Teaching Aids need to fit the objectives we want to achieve!

2. Encourage students to participate in learning activities

This is important. Use Teaching Aids that can stimulate students to develop a sense of involvement. Use Teaching Aids that can add to their curiosity and desire to connect education with other things in their lives. Let Teaching Aids help them to continue to explore and exams the knowledge that they have learned.

3. Clear descriptions and instructions

The Teaching Aids may be powerful but the information is hard to understand. This can create a problem. Maybe before we use them in a class, once in a while try to practise how to use the Teaching Aids to make sure they are easy to use and help the pupils understand. Make short notes if necessary. If our explanation of using the Teaching Aids is complicated, maybe it is the time for us to consider to use simpler Teaching Aids or another method!

4. Not only looks beautiful but has a high impact on students' understanding

Beautful Teaching Aids are good but they must have an impact on the topic to be taught. Even if you decide to only use a stone, that simple stone makes our lessons a big hit! The important thing is not that that our Teaching Aids are attractive but that they are engaging, and can attract students' attention. If they don’t look good the first time you see it, don't worry, remember it’s what you do with them. Remember - don't judge a book by it's cover. So let's focus on the impact of Teaching Aids.

5. Understand students’ multiple intelligences

Remember multiple intelligences? For example Visual-Spatial, Linguistic-Verbal, Bodily-Kinaesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical-Mathematics, Musical and Naturalistic. No matter how good the Teaching Aids are, always remember that our students have many different ways of learning. So make sure our Teaching Aids suit the topic and their different intelligences. Sometimes use songs, sometimes use concrete materials and sometimes use blank paper! Explore students’ multiple intelligences. 

Any other tips to add?

PS: Keep calm, relax and ideas will come to you!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

5 Powerful and effective online teaching tips

With the closure of the school due to the Covid-19 Pandemic outbreak, online teaching has become one of the options for teachers to keep their students learning while they are at home. Here are 5 tips to make teaching online more powerful and effective:

1. Design teaching and learning with appropriate and relevant objectives

Before you want to teach online, plan ahead. What to learn? How many topics do you want to cover? How many students have access? Which teaching aids to use? Referencing materials? and so on. When we have a plan, it is easy for us to convey that lesson later.

2. Learning is social, not just listening to lectures

Reflecting on face to face education in schools, students will not be able to focus as long as teachers are just talking and explaining. Include discussion elements, movement elements and appropriate activities. Similar to the classroom situation, we can still create activities where students can write, type, respond orally, move, record video and so on.

3. Not too long and divide it into small groups

If online classes are planned, make sure they are not too long. Not all learning requires long talks. 15 minutes is enough to guide and then the class will continue with self-study. It is also possible to divide students into groups so that it is easy to respond when needed. Keep in mind, however, that classroom instruction does not have to be exhausted. Teachers can provide appropriate activities for students to continue learning.

4. Teacher's voice, teacher's face and teacher's instructions

If you want to teach something new like to show how math works or to show you how to draw an elephant, it's best to have your own video. No sophisticated video is required. Just 3 to 5 minutes can explain what students want to do. Teacher's voice, teacher's face and teacher's instruction will make learning closer to the students because they know their teacher!

5. Managing the expectations of teachers, students and parents

The most important thing to remember is the management of expectations or expectations placed when teaching online. This is something new. New things require a lot of experimentation. Don't put expectations that are too high or unrealistic on anyone. The important thing is to try and make changes as needed!

PS: Did you join my webinar? If you missed it, you can watch it here:

Sunday, June 14, 2020

5 tips to teach the concept of multiplication to students for the first time

Multiplying numbers without understanding the concept of mathematics can be difficult especially for students who are new to the process. Here are 5 tips for first time when teaching the concepts:

1. Introduce that idea the multiplication is friend to addition

Multiplication is the process of adding the same number over and over again, so you can ask students to understand this basic concept first. It is possible to start the activity by adding the same number over and over again so that they are confident and familiar with the number.

2. Use concrete materials to demonstrate concepts

Show the real thing. Use fruits in baskets, marbles in containers, stones in cups and so on.

3. Have students participate in multiplication activities

Engage students together to understand multiplication activities. Make some circles around the floor / field. Put the student in a circle. Students who are not involved can count or rewrite the numbers.

4. The concept of multiplying numbers can scare students If they are told to memorise the multiplication from the start of their learning

Memorizing multiplication is important for quick thinking and quick answering of mathematics problems. But for the beginner, don't force memorising yet. Let them understand. Most students can do addition but they start to be afraid when they cannot memorise.

5. Once you understand the concept, then you can proceed to memorising

Once a student has understood the concept of multiplication, you may want the student to memorise the multiplication but understand the concept first - they actually learn better.

PS: How do you learn multiplication when you were in primary school?

Friday, June 12, 2020

5 Tips to welcome students back to school with a new spirit after the Covid-19 lockdown

Students will be back to school soon. Other than ensuring safety and healthcare in accordance with the procedure, starting to learn again in a classroom is a major challenge for students. 

How do you want to revive the student spirit?

1. Ask students about their and their families’ welfare, "How are you?"

It's important to start by saying hello. Make sure all students are healthy and prosperous. Although it may seem easy, but to say hello and "how are you?" and “how is your family?” shows our love and care for them.

2. Ask them to share their experience of being at home, but do not force it!

Listen and provide feedback that shows interest in the student experience. Although everyone's experience can be similar, all experiences are worth listening to. But if students are not willing to share, we should not force them.

3. Reduce stress about academic and syllabus missed, focus on emotional stability

The spread of the Covid-19 epidemic is beyond our control. Although the lessons may be missed as the school closed, do not stress about the lessons left behind and the upcoming exam date. Stress can invite unnecessary panic and REMEMBER, their achievement for following the SOP for social distancing is to be celebrated rather than making them worried what they have left behind academically

4. Inspirational and positive words motivate

Strong and positive words are needed at this time. Tell students as often and as much as possible, "We can!"; "Keep on trying!"; "We can do it!".

5. Focus on existing knowledge and slowly move on to new knowledge

While there are many syllabuses to be pursued, the topic is slowly being taught to students. From the moment of excitement it becomes discouraging if you surprise them with the speed of teaching. Keep things simple and take your time!

Do you have any other tips?

PS: Good luck! Everyone needs support and spirit! Keep it up!!! Keep your social distance and stay positive! Take care.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

5 tips to write a solid reflection after you finish teaching

Writing a reflection after a lesson is a key tool for teachers and learners to record and collect their experiences that later can be analysed for better understanding. Here are 5 tips to write a solid reflection:

1. Ask 3 important questions: What? Why? How?

These 3 key questions can help you remember what happened in the classroom. 
What? It can make us focus on the main things we want to remember. Example: What did we do? What went well? What could have been better
Why? Can lead us to our purpose. Example: Why did that happen? Why did things go well? Why did things not go so well? 
How? Can recall all the ways we used in teaching and learning in the class. Example: How did the pupils feel? How did you feel? How could you do things differently next time? 
2. Introduction, content and closure

As with any writing, reflection also needs the same framework. There needs to be some introduction, key content and even a closure to summarise our reflection.
3. Prioritise the most impactful things

The main purpose of written reflection is to learn from experience. So, when writing reflections, keep in mind the things that most impact us and our students.
4. Write your reflection immediately

To get a fresh memory and reflection, write a reflection immediately. We just do not want to forget what happened in the class.
5. Write it down!

The most important thing is the act of writing it yourself. Make sure you pick up a pen and paper or type in a computer. Writing reflections is important. Because if you keep thinking but don't do it, then there will be no reflection.

Sunday, June 07, 2020

5 Tips to create creative teaching and learning in class

Here are some ways to create creative teaching and learning in class:

1. Use materials around you

Always observe everyday objects around you, like water bottles, desks, chairs, and convert them into teaching tools. Always ask yourself, what can I do with this material in my class to teach this subject?

2. Associate what you see or hear with the topics you teach

When you watch TV or watch interesting videos on Youtube, keep this in your mind: Oh, will my students like this? Is it possible for me to do that in my class? How can I adapt this to suit the topic of my teaching?

Not to worry, doing 5 - 10 minutes of fun activities as an extra element is just fine!

3. Think like a child: what makes them happy?

Always take the chance to observe the behaviour of students outside of the classroom without interacting with them. See what they like to do, learn how they communicate with each other, look at what games they play during recess. After that, try to put yourself in their shoes. You will understand them better!

4. Make teaching easy; don’t be so complicated!

Being creative doesn't have to be complicated. Simple things, simple instructions and simple actions can be more creative. When we simplify the directions, simplify needs to be understood, the result will become creative. Creative teaching is not about using beautiful, sophisticated teaching aids; it is important for students to learn, think and participate in the classroom. Devise activities that make students want to join in! The topics that we want to teach are already complicated for students; we do not need activities that are complicated to do.

5. Get rid of thoughts that only some people can be creative

There's no need to be shy when it comes to doing this creative thing. Ignore the thoughts that make us feel like we don't want to do them because they don't look good. Just do it. If the first time fails, try again for the second time and so on. Creative teaching requires a lot of experimentation and trial and error. The more you try, the higher your chances of becoming a creative teacher. If you don't try, you won't know at all.