Working Together

This blog has opened many doors and opportunities for me and people around me, especially my pupils in the school where I worked before. It has been such a great honour and privileged experience to meet and work within the education community in Malaysia and internationally in the UK and in Africa. 

If you are interested in having me speak at your school, college, university or conference, don't hesitate to contact me at

My Offer

Keynote Speaker - Topics include the use of ARM in teaching and learning, technology in education focusing on reflection via blogging, creative teaching and learning, leadership, management and more! The story of Life through My Eyes is an inspirational story for pupils, students, trainee teachers, teachers and educators, junior leaders, leaders in a range contexts.

Workshop and Seminars - Topics include: the use of ARM; blogging for reflection; personal and professional development; creative teaching and learning; motivation and inspiration; teaching and learning in Malaysia and internationally.

Past Seminars and Conferences:


  • "Life through my eyes: The Story So far" organised by Univeristy Technology of Mauritius on 8th January 2020
  • TECOF - Teachers Conference 2019 "Using ARM Theory for Practical Learning" on 6 July 2019
  • Teacher Education Meeting: how to Apply Enriched Resources in Teacher's Education Classroom for an Improvement in Professional Teaching, organised by Pico/ Thai Teachers TV on 8 - 11 February 2012
  • UCSI University Peer Learning Symposium on 8th December 2011
  • International Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Award 2011 in Pattaya, Thailand, on 8 - 11 November 2011
  • 6th QS APPLE - QS Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education Conference at the Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, on 17 - 19 November 2010
  • Open Space Seminar in the Open Space Week at the University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, on 7th June 2011
  • university of Hertfordshire Symposium on International Collaboration in Teacher Education on 25th May 2011, Kuala Lumpur
  • MARA PGDE students - Unitar International University (ARM) on 4th June 2016.
  • Interact Session with Unitar International University - ARMing your students: building the engagement muscles on 29th April 2016.
  • Book Presentation - Life through my eyes 2 at Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) on 12th November 2015
  • Creative teaching and learning with Trainee Teachers, 80 trainee teachers from IPGK Kota Bharu on 12th October 2014
  • Book Review - Life through my eyes: A teacher's little steps towards perfection and Life through my eyes 2: from Kampung Kenang to Kasoa in IPGK Kota Bharu Library on 12th October 2014
  • Sesi bersama 300 pelajar Tingkatan 4 dari SMK Convent Bukit Nanas, KL on 22nd July 2014
  • Sesi bersama Teacher Trainee di IPG kampus Darul Aman on 6th July 2014
  • Sesi Diskusi dan Pembentangan di MQA on 27th May 2014
  • Sesi Diskusi dan Pembentangan di Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) 0n 16th April 2014
  • Ahli Panel di Kursus Practical Reasoning seluruh Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia
  • Bicarawara bersama bakal guru di IPG Kampus Pendidikan Islam on 8th September 2012
  • Program bersama Bakal Guru di IPG Kampus Darul Aman on 17th September 2012

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