Wednesday, March 06, 2013

walking back 4th March

Is everything really need to be perfect?

After a nice lunch in a restaurant in JD Fast Food we decided to walk back to the hotel from the Omega school office. It was quite a long walk! It was fun to do but it seemed like people kept staring at us. I guess we obviously look like strangers and outsiders. Maybe it was a bit wrong to do it. It was just our first day and we were not really familiar with the street yet. Luckily the sun was not as hot as in the afternoon time and the wind kept cooled me down...

Back to the lunch experience, I tried a new food. It's yam with palava sauce. I think I like it...definitely like the yam! The taste reminds me of tapioca my mom cooked for me back in Malaysia. And to be clear, yam is also a root vegetable, same as tapioca! I enjoyed the food ;)

ps: Friendly Ghanaian

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