Thursday, September 02, 2010

Time: Try to make it simple

This morning, I was surprised with 4 girls from year 5. They came to see me early in the morning after the daily assembly finished with a mathematics exercise book on one of the girl's hand. I really amazed with what happened but really feel proud with what they were doing. They came to ask me about some exercises that they cannot do. Wow, it was really great to see that they already build some responsibility about their learning. This is the first time I can see that they get serious with what they learn, I can see lots of improvements in their behaviour. I never expected them at all this morning because I do not think I had asked them to see me. It was their own efforts. Good girls! It was a great start for this morning :)

Today I had done a simple activity with year 5. It was about teaching the time in 24 hours system. I teach them to make a 24 hours system table. I had use a strip paper to conduct the activity. First of all, the pupils need to fold the paper into 3 equal parts. Then they need to divide each of the part 3 into 8 small equal parts. They will get 24 parts altogether.

In the right hand side, they need to write down the 12 hours system in a day and in the left hand side, they need to write down the 24 hours system. By making this table, the pupils can see the comparison about the hours system clearly. I can explained to them easily after everyone have their own 24 hours system table. When it had been written side by side, they can easily see the time in 12 hours system and 24 hours system.

I like to do the activity that can involve all the pupils. As I told before, my class is very special where it consist with lots of slow learners pupils that cannot really learn mathematics. But when it come to the activity like this one, I can see that they were trying to get involve in it. It really fun to see them focus in the class.

p/s: Tomorrow is the last class before we all have 2 weeks holidays for Hari Raya AidilFitri. Time is running very fast. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri maaf zahir Batin to all of you. Hopefully it will be the best Hari Raya ever!


  1. i likes this idea very much..tq bro..

  2. to share it :)
