Sunday, August 20, 2023

The time in Japan last year (September 2022)

It's almost a year since I am back from Japan. To be honest, I have so many memories of Japan but it is only now that I feel like I should put something here in my blog. As per usual, my only reason for not updating the blog is because of feeling lack of motivation in sharing the reflections. Reflections were still occurring, but for a while they were not here in this blog.

I went to Japan under the Management Training Programme for Junior Officers from 13 September 2023 to 1 October 2023. I went there with a group of officers selected to participate in the programme. It’s almost a year now since I am back. This writing is just a taste of what I want to write and I will definitely keep writing about it in the future.

Time is precious

I think we all know this and it’s definitely not  something new anymore. The Japanese still take this maxim really deep and hard. Time management is everything and turning up early is so important. If you should be there at 8:30 in the morning, 8:15 is already considered late! They will call you, text you and try to find where you are.

Vending machines are everywhere

The idea of vending machines in every corner might be new to us in Malaysia. But in Japan, I think they are everywhere. In parking lots, in the lobby, outside of a mall. I think they are almost in every corner. They are so well prepared and well equipped so that wherever you are, you can find drinks or food to eat. Knowing Japan's natural disasters, I can never blame them for being over prepared!

So humble!

I cried a little experiencing how humble Japanese people are. I never felt so touched before compared to this visit. It was so genuine and the culture of humility is evident in every Japanese person.

PS: I hope I will be back in Japan in the future. Too much to explore!

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