Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Peer Learning Symposium

Last week, I have been invited to share my experience on working together in UCSI University Peer Learning Symposium. So, Dr. Kit and I have 2 and a half hour session of sharing how we work together as a peer and achieve some success especially in editing the blog and turn it into book "Life through my eyes"

The session was fun where we not just share our experience but we also got some participants to take parts and share their experience. Our focus is about the blog as the medium for us to keep on working. We use this blog as an example to create a powerful peer learning environment than can develop into positive results.

I think, the passion of doing something, helped by correct peers, correct motivation will leads to a new dimension of what we are doing. The thing is that we need to find the correct factors to help us to move on.

I was so glad that I can share my experience on how we work together, how we learn from each other and how we motivate each other on Life through my eyes with the audience. By the way, we also lucky to have cool audience to take part in that symposium. Thank you

p/s: everything will be fine... :)

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