Wednesday, December 21, 2011

it's coming soon...

After a week hybernating in my room, now started to write again. Oh, wow! Can't believe that school holidays are going to the end soon. I'm already in Perak now attending some meetings before the school starts for a new session...

Yeah, pupils come pupils go... Teachers come teachers go! hahaha... :D Life is always up and down, when you at the top, you need to remember to be grateful and thankful and help others and reflect! When you are at the bottom, be strong, be patient and motivate yourself and still do not forget to reflect!

We maybe asked why we need to deal with up and down in life. But have we imagine how's our life if everything just go right? Maybe we forget who we are and become so proud of ourself and forget to be grateful...

Ok, here is an article about Life through my eyes both blog and book. I feel quite lame to keep posting about it...haha...maybe I am lame :P Don't be mad at me...haha. This article appears in Quill Megazine Issue 32 (Oct-Dec).

p/s: Gentlemen, start your engine...


  1. lagi dua minggu kan skolah nak buka. phew! :))

  2. get ready for new year in school!!
