Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I was touched!

Yesterday, while I was walking out from the preschool class, suddenly someone called my name. Oh, it was Kak Murni! I stopped and started to walk towards her and asked her if I can help anything. Actually, Kak Murni works as a cleaner in the school. She is a Temiar. Her 2 sons and daughter are my pupils. I taught Arman when he was year 6 last two yeras and Armin in year 3 now I taught him when he in year 1. This year, I teach Arvina in year 1.

Quite an introduction about her, she said to me that she heard that I am leaving the school soon. I confirmed it to her. Yep, this is my last week in the school. She suddenly asked me about my book "life through my eyes". She said she wanted to buy a copy from me. even she cannot read english, but she wanted to keep it. She said that She want to keep it for her children, one day they will read the book to her. The book is about the life of them in the school and village. Even Armin picture was in the book!

Today, I brought the book to her. She was happy getting the book. I hope it will keep inspire her and bring a new light to her children. I believe that she is a very good and motivated mom and a great life awaiting for them in the future :)

p/s: still not packing! Wahaha!