Monday, January 01, 2018


2017 has now gone and left us with millions of memories. 365 days looks a lot today as I am writing this on the firts January 2018 but I believe will be gone so fast. Yesterday was 2017 and today is already 2018. It looks like they are next to each other, but you can never go back to 2017.

So today it's time to cherish the new year and the new start and leave behind all the regrets and what make us sad in 2017. Anyway, I will stick to not have any resolutions every new year but will change my life anytime I think I need to.

Believe it or not, right after I finished my degree with University of Hertfordshire and IPG Kota Bharu, I always thought that my life would be all about teaching and learning. However, since 2010, my career life kept changing. The pathways are just so wide for me to choose and opportunities keep getting bigger and bigger.

There are always problems and difficulties along the way, but I guess I have just to go for it. Stick to what you are good at and try as best as you can all the time.

2018 - come and get me! I am ready for you!


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