I have stopped writing for a few months now. This week I decided to write again to celebrate the new task that I have given to my students. Yes, I am now working as a part time lecturer in Unitar International University.
My earlier plan was to stay in the UK until my PhD started but then I have received a job offer through a phone call right before I went to the UK. Too precious to say no, I decided to just give it a try and flew back to Malaysia 2 weeks ago.
In my Assessment for ducation class, I get my students to begin reflective writing on a blog. I have asked them to create their own blog and update the blog at least once a week on topic pertaining to assessment in their lives. They can discuss a news ite on assessment that they watched on TV, or on a radio show that they listened to while driving to the university, or their previous experience of assessment such as when they took their SPM. It should be great to read their views about assessment and at the same time good for their thinking skills to be able to consider, argue and discuss the issues about assessment.
I have found that we face assessment everyday. Sometimes we limit ourselves by thinking that assessment is only related to examinations. Actually assessment is a topic that goes beyond examinations. We assess almost everything around us. Whether it is done formally or informally. Do you agree with my statement? aha
Teachers do assessment very often in the classroom. Sometimes we assess our students by individual, small group or whole class scale. Sometimes we assess them according to the learning outcomes that we plan.
Assessment! Let's keep talking about it for this semester!
PS: tough weeks but no pain no gain...haha...
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