Monday, December 09, 2013

the next steps...will you still be with me?

I just came back from my graduation in Newcastle University. Just there for a week. Celebrating the special day with friends and classmates from all over the world. I was glad that most of my classmates were there with me...Only a few can't make it but I guess we will see each other next time, somewhere else probably ;)

Going back to Newcastle this time, I found that the feeling was strange and different. Everything seems to be normal and not new anymore. It feels like I know every corner of the city. The excitement was just when the graduation day happened but then, not anything else. Even to take some photos were difficult for me to do.

Probably it is a sign that I need to move on now. Done with my masters and done with Newcastle. Such a great city to be an international student. So many things I learnt and absorbed, I'm ready to leave my memory as a student there and take it to a new beginning!

I am not sure what is waiting for me in the future...but a few things are waiting to be done very soon! I am so excited to move forward and take a huge steps...decision, decision...all the time, we make the decision!

Will you still be with me? ;) 

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