Wednesday, August 28, 2013

it's coming to the end...

Believe it or not, it is almost a year already I am in the UK studying for my masters degree. Suddenly everything just feels so fast!
I am not going to wrap up my experience of a year studying and being overseas for a year yet but I think I just want to remember this exact moment. The moment where I am busy writing my dissertation and the difficult feeling to just let it go!
After a few months working on this dissertation, suddenly when it comes to an end, it feels so hard to let it go and send it to the university. I hope it is good enough for a good mark :P aha
Ps: The best thing about summer in the UK is when you can wear SANDALS!


  1. Dorothy A. HuddleSeptember 12, 2013

    It is normal to be attached with your dissertation or thesis since you had spent a lot of time working on it. Good job for you were able to finish it and keep your hopes up in getting a good mark.
