Monday, January 07, 2013

5 Postcards to you from the UK! :D

If everybody wanted to be special, so who else is left to be usual?

I have never done this kind of activity before. But I think it will be great! So, I am willing to send 5 postcards to some of my beloved readers. As I am still here fow a few more months, how about if you take this chance?

Write to me a paragraph of not more than 50 words on "Why I like to read Life through my eyes?"

Send it to my email Provide your name, address, emal address and blog link (if you have one) and I will send you a beautiful postcard from UK :D

It is interesting! A lovely postcard and a stamp from UK! ;) Do not think too much. Just do it! Carpe diem!!! :D

p/s: try try try!


  1. I like to read this blog because of the writer is so damn handsome...!!! Can i get the postcard now?

    Ur no 1 truely fands...or maybe frian...

    1. ahaha...thank u! u definitely get 1 :D ahaha

  2. Already submit my short essay/
