Monday, November 05, 2012


Yesterday, I followed a visit to Rothbury, a rural area in Northumberland. I went with some other postgraduate friends. We went there by coach. It was a lovely day but we did get a bit of rain at the beginning of the visit.

During the journey to Rothbury, I thought the views were amazing. Especially when we were in the rural part, I could see lots of farms and the combination with the trees starting to trun to brown was pretty amazing! Do not forget about all the sheep! They made an addition to the views too...haha.

We were greatly welcomed by a group of people that organised the Rothbury United Nations Day. Then we gather in a hall and listen to some musical performance and then went for a great delicious lunch! What a lucky day to have so much food to eat and so much local experience!
After that, we were divided into a few groups and given a host family. I was lucky to have Gwen and John as my host family. Together with me were Dr. Mei and Young. They brought us on a tour of Rothbury town and some history places around Rothbury. Then we went for a short walk to the Simonside Hills to see the cup and ring stones! It was amazing and beautiful especially to see the views of Rothbury from the hills!
After a cup of tea in Gwen and John's house we gathered again in the hall; more eating while listening to the singing performance which was so nice and lovely. Then out of nowhere, a lady in pink chose me and two other students to give a short speech...ahaha.... I shared my experience of teaching in Malaysia and in the same time showing "kain pelikat" to everyone! ahahaha...they asked me to demonstrate wearing the pelikat but I was too shy to do it...maybe next time! :D
Thanks a lot to everyone that organised the visit! It was such a lovely day!

p/s: Just say "yes" and see what happens :D