Tuesday, October 23, 2012

reflective journal...at least I'm trying! :D

It is starting to get colder now. Egh...such a bad attitude to be here and to keep complaining about the weather right? But lots of people do it all the time. So, I think it is just normal...hehe...It's not really a complaint I think. It just a point to start a conversation with other people...hehe

So, a few weeks ago I received a very nice email from some wonderful parents asking for my advice on helping their kid with a writing problem. I am really glad that they sent me the email. Even though I am not a language teacher, but it will be good to share some ideas about it right?
My suggestion is really simple. Let the kid write down what he learnt everyday in a book. Yeah, just WRITE whatever he finds interesting or significant each day in a book. For example, he scores a goal in the football match today or he learns addition or he drinks Milo! lol! Whatever, just to start writing.
As a parent you can always observe the journal and see the development of that journal. I think it will be great. And most of all, when it becomes a habit maybe just a sentence will turn into a paragraph! I know it is easy to suggest but it will be difficult to do. But who says it can never be done right? Turn it into a habit. A small persistent effort can turn into a huge success in the future...
I have started to keep a journal of what I learn in all of my lectures. I know I can always write down notes and then download all the power point presentations from the internet. But I just make myself write down the significant points that I lean from each class. Sometimes from a two hours class, maybe only one line reamins in my mind all the time! And that is what I write down! It is important! I think so...

p/s: see that green book on the table...that is my cute journal! haha

1 comment:

  1. Salam Apis...Moga sihat selalu. As a teacher myself, am proud of u and everything about ur school is close to my heart. It is our bundle of joy and I wish u all the best in ur life ahead.
