Sunday, October 30, 2011

Time : Dikir barat style :P

They were doing mathematics activity in the class (Year 1 = 7 years old). They were saying the name of days and months. At the end they do an action of paying attention to the teacher :)

I dont really do video in the class because I prefer taking photos. Let see what happen and maybe I should think about it in the future.

p/s: feeling a bit better :)


  1. bagus video ni...jelas sebutan....boleh di praktikkan juga dalam kelas nanti..tq for sharing..moga di permudahkan segala urusan kita

  2. ini dikir barat, dikir barat siang malam ewahhhhhhh

  3. hai there...nice to read about ur blog...I'm an avid english learner and new to follow my blog...perhaps we can share some thoughts and ideas...cheers

  4. This is a good initiative.I just wish you pay attention to English spelling and grammar in your posting. Get an editor.

  5. Glad to see rural kids enjoy their active learning. Keep up your good job, Cikgu!

  6. budak baik wat ape??
    budak baik dgr cakap cikgu..
    haha..nice lesson...
