Sunday, April 24, 2011

greeen... so in love with it! :P

In the middle of my way to Perak this evening, it was raining for a while. So, I just stayed focus to the road so that I will be safe! hehehe... Here's another story of driving go and back from Alor Setar to Perak again and again...hahaha

After the rain stops, the scenery was so great! I love to see the green scenery of the trees and hills around the road. It makes me feel so calm and so happy. I scrolled down the window to seized the moment and feel the fresh air. It was so amazing. I stopped my car for a few times to take some photos... actually, I always did something like this before. hahaha.... Just cannot control myself whenever I saw the beautiful scenery. It just make me so happy!

When I was so busy celebrating the moment, I drive the car with smiling face and then shouting happily for a while and forgot that there are some other road users! Suddenly, one van cross my car and everybody in that van lookd at me... hahaha... Must be they were wondering what happened to me. hahaha.... Sorry people I'm just over excited with the surrounding and the nature! hahahaha.... can't control it! :P

p/s: it's already the last week of April! fuhhhhhh......

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