Sunday, February 13, 2011

driving licence!

Today, when I was busy packing my stuff to bring back to Sungai siput suddenly I remember that I want to renew my driving license. I think it was in my mind since last week. So, I climbed the motorcycle and went to JPJ to pay the licence. There were so many people there and I refuse to wait because it will take some time as I want to go back to sungai Siput early today. So, I just went back to home.

After said good bye to mom and dad, I started my journey back to Sungai Siput. But, after 10 minutes I still thinking about my licence and decided to go to post office and renew it there. Yes, we can renew our licence there too. Like I told you before in the last few entry I like to go around Alor Setar first before go back to Sungai Siput. So, take out my licence, my IC and some money with confident and then push the button to get the waiting ticket. I was so glad because not so many peoples here compared to JPJ just now.

After about 10 minutes waiting, suddenly they call my number. So with a very huge smile (just in my mind not smiling on face cause I will look like a crazy guy if I do that) I walked to the counter 9. I gave my license, IC and money to the woman there. She took it and after a few second she looked back at me and said, " What did you want me to do, sir?" I told her I want torenew my licence. Then she replied,"Your licence will expire in 17 february 2012, sir, you did not check it?" I just grabbed back my licence, IC and money and smile to her and walked as fast as I can towards the car without seeing right and left again! OMG! that is so ashamed! hahaha...

Why I told this shameful story of me? hahaha...just to remind myself again and of course all of you that read this to check properly before doing anything! haha.... If not, accept whatever will happen to you... Oh... I wish I brought a plastic bag with me at that time so that I can hide my head inside it...hahaha....

p/s: I took the picture because the sun look so beutiful late in the evening! However, don't take picture while driving if you are not expert k...hehe....seriously! Don't try this at home!

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