Monday, January 24, 2011

A letter to myself

Dear Hafiz,

I'm writing to you just to remind you about anything that will happen in the future. I want you to be brave, I want you to have lots of patient and I want you to always be strong.

Dear Hafiz,

Whatever you do please do it honestly, whatever you think, please think carefully, whatever decision that you make please make it wisely. You are who you are. So, always be don't need to pretend.

Dear Hafiz,

Sometimes things will be difficult, situation will be hard to handle, things will turn upside down. Don't worry, just go through the day because when everything will realise that you learn a lot.

Dear Hafiz,

You have your own opinion. So do others. Respect yourself and respect others. We all are just human being that special created with our own mind and our own style. Let us celebrate it!

Dear Hafiz,

When good things come to you, don't forget to be thankful. Share it with others. Greedy, selfish please put it away from you. It just make your heart grow darker. do you want that happen?

Dear Hafiz,

Trust your heart, respect your feeling, love yourself. Whatever you heard and if its hurt you, be strong, yes you can! yes you always can. remember how much things that you already face before!

Dear Hafiz,

Let's be helpful! Lets's do it! You can! and You always can! GO! GO! hahaha

p/s: be careful with water :(


  1. nice letter... a good advice from someone who really appreciates himself... :)

  2. be tough and be strong..i'allah, awak akan jadi pemangkin motivasi pd bakal guru yg akan datang

  3. Really good advice for us.

  4. Dear Hafiz,
    Thanks a lot for the inspiring letter..because of it,i also wrote a letter to myself..
    (but just change the name...Dear wani..hehhe :P)

    Congrate!n keep forward to be an extraordinary teacher!
    Dan saya yakin segalanya bermula dengan ikhlas dihati..

    -wani ;)
