Friday, November 12, 2010

Sports Day Celebration

It was the sports day celebration in SK Kampung Kenang! yeehaaa! I can saw the pupils smiling, laughing, giggling, running across the fields, screaming happily, shouting their friends name and moving here and there anonymously. Yeah, they were so excited today.

We had started to practice the sports according to the group given right after the end year examination had finished. Unlike the other schools in Malaysia, our school choose to run out sports day in the end of the year. we had our own reason for this. We want to attract the pupils to come to the schools after the examination ends. Many pupils choose to absence after the examination finished few years ago and it had make the teachers to have initiative celebrate the sports day after the examination finish.

I can observed that the Temiar pupils really enjoy this sports day celebration. The attendance of the pupils had increasing significantly especially to year 6 pupils. After they finish taking UPSR, most of them choose to stay home but because of the sports day, they came to school. The sports day can be assumed as the big event for the end of the year. I can feel how excited my pupils during the day and also the weeks we had training before.

Sports day can be one of concrete prove that Temiar pupils really like to involve in active activities. If you can see what i see, you will be amazed. I saw how Nakhaie, my year 3 pupil who is really quiet in class and not much giving attention in learning mathematics suddenly can do a high jump with confidence and brave. I saw how my little Farizan in year 1 suddenly take part in 4x50m run. I observed Razal can take part in long jump although he just year 1 competing with year 2 and year 3. That were so amazing!

I really love to focus my observation to year 1 pupils because they are in their first year of schooling. just as same as me. They have lots thing to learn and to adapt. So, when i observed them, it makes me feel excited. I like to see the development of confidence in them. how they build their courage to do something and if I have the ability to support them, I will do it. To see Syamira can run and smile makes me happy!

The Sports day had been held as smooth as we had planned. Lucky for us that the weather also nice and great. Few days before this day, its always raining late afternoon. But it was sunny. Standing at the middle of the field while doing some technical work make me realized the beauty of my school. The hills around the school and the cloud makes the view outstanding! I keep saying what i saw to the other teachers and sometimes told my pupils to see what I see. i want them to appreciate what they have here. I feel so thankful with what we have here. :)

p/s: I'm not really good at sports but I will do and support what I can :)

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