Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Visit to the Last Village

This week, I got a chance to visit the last village in this area. One of the former teacher (which is also a native paople, he really great) asked me weather I want to join him to go to the village to confirm about the attendance of the villagers youth to the school this Saturday for 'gotong-royong'. Without any doubt, I agree to join him because I do not think that the opportunity to go up to the mountain and see the village myself come regularly. So, we went to the village by his car.

The journey takes about 30 to 40 minutes before we arrived to the last village called 'Kampung Pisang". The road were in bad condition with lots of holes and bump. luckily, Cikgu Mad Nor (the former teacher) knows about the way clearly, so he can planned what to do and how to make his car move forward safely.

When I first arrived at the village, it was so quiet. No radio or television sounds, no traffic sounds. It just the sounds from nature likes birds that we can hear and sometimes heard some people voice. Suddenly, when we get out from the car, I can see some familiar faces hiding behind the tree. Oh, they were my pupils. Maybe they did not expected me to go and visit their house. They quite shy but after a while I called them, they came and I talked to them while Cikgu Mad Nor doing his work.

It so great to come and see how my pupils' live in their village situated far away from the town. I even asking myself how the place will look like in the night when there are no electricity in here. Oh, that is why some of this children feel so new with the school that equipped with fans and lamps (especially to the pre-school pupils and year 1 pupils) and also television and computer. However, lots of changes had already come in to them. Yeah...maybe time will change the place (I did not mean to change the nature). I do feel grateful and honored to give a little contribution in educating these pupils. Maybe it just a little but I know it is useful for the future of this kids.

Honestly, this visit make me realized about the importance of educating these children. They really needs lots of encouragements and supports to help them develop and live in this world of technology. They should been given the same opportunity, feel and use the same technology that we have and we use now. Why should let them left behind while we can use technology. We are in the same country!

To those who always complaints with their life, you should come here and see by yourself of how this people life. Maybe after that you will feel grateful to what you already have and see the positive part of your life ;)

p/s: Happy Teacher's Day

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