Thursday, April 01, 2010

Syamira oh Syamira :)

This is a story about a girl who never spoke to anyone in class, who cried whenever I try to talk to her, who never came in front every time I called her name, who never write anything when I asked her to write...its all happened a few months ago...I believed that she was so shy and school was a new experiences to her. she never go to school since she was born and this year is her first year goes to school.

After about 3 months in school, she now begin to learn. She wants to talks with friends, she wants to looks into my eyes when I called her, She brave to walk and take her book from me, she starts to write something, I saw she smiling, I saw she singing together, i saw she clapped her hands, I saw she counting using her fingers! That is so great to observe! She begins to shine...

I will let her do things by herself and just wait until she ready to communicate with me verbally....Now, I just observed you and helps you from far... at least I know you changed now... Syamira...i will wait for u to call me teacher ;)

p/s: just like to see pupils busy counting their fingers ;)

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