Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jemputan ke University of Hertfordshire

Ni nak share kandungan surat jemputan UH:
University of Hertfordshire
College Lane, Hatfield
Hertfordshire AL10 9AB

Telephone 01707 284000
Fax 01707 284115

Muhamad Hafiz Bin Ismail
Institute Perguruan Kota Bharu
Kota Bahru

18th May 2009

Dear Muhamad Hafiz Bin Ismail

We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Hertfordshire for your visit from May 27th 2009 until 6th June 2009. We have a programme of activities arranged for you and hope that you will find them informative and useful when you return to your degree in Malaysia and in your future teaching careers.
Mr Barry Costas in the School of Education has been responsible for arranging your day to day activities, including access to the gym and swimming pool during your visit.
We will provide some suggestions for leisure activities when you arrive.
Accommodation has been arranged at the Travelodge in Hatfield, only ten minutes walk from the de Havilland campus where you will be based.
Best wishes

Bernice Rawlings
Associate Dean of Faculty (Academic Quality Enhancement)
Associate Head of School of Education (acting)
Link tutor for BEd Mathematics at Institut Perguruan Kota Bahru

Ni lah isi surat jemputan tu. Nampaknya ada 3 hari lagi untuk kami bersiap-siap dan bertolak. Mintak2 Allah permudahkan segala urusan perjalanan, pergi dan balik serta semasa Trip UH nanti. Amin

P/s: Terima kasih kepada semua pensyarah-pensyarah dan kawan-kawan yang sudi datang ke Majlis Doa Selamat kemarin (23.05.09). Semoga doa kalian mengiringi perjalanan kami nanti. Terima kasih banyak-banyak

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