Thursday, May 28, 2020

Raya on my own

The 2020 raya celebration was unique and different. This year, because of the spread of Covid-19 is still out there, Malaysia's government decided to only allow us to celebrate Eid on the first day with some tight rules. For example, no more than 20 people were allowed in one place; celebrate in the same state only and you could not travel outer state, no public were allowed for hari raya prayer in the mosque and always need to remember to maintain social distancing.

After Ramadhan ended, celebrating Eid is a must. So, as a single guy, stuck in my apartment on my own, I was still excited to celebrate hari raya. I made sure my apartment was clean and decorated with colourful lights, bought some cookies and prepared my new baju melayu as well.

The morning was different as I did not need to fight for a shower with my siblings. Just on my own, getting ready for the day. I woke up early and started with self reflection and takbir raya and then continued with the prayer. This is the most different I think because most hari raya mornings we were all used to rush to the nearest mosque. This year, everyone had a chance to learn and lead their own prayer. Amazing. Now, everyone had a chance to practise what they had learned by being the makmum (follower) before.

My hari raya was a bit quiet with no physical appearance of other people except from the phone calls and video calls from family members and friends. This is something to appreciate. The technology that we have today, connects us wherever we are. It's not the same as physical appearance but at least we can stay connected and say our salam to one another.

In the afternoon, I went to celebrate raya with some friends which was Hazman's family in Gombak. I was so glad that they were so nice and let me be a part of the joy. I spent some time there chit chatting, eating and photo shooting! Then in the evening I went to see Saiful's family  - in Bukit Bintang. He was stuck in Kuala Lumpur as well but luckily his sister and brother are also here.

Hari Raya 2020 was definitely different and unique for me and I guess for everyone in Malaysia as well. I remember in 2013 when I was studying for my masters, I celebrated raya in United Kingdom far from my Malaysian family as well but at least I was with my UK family in Wales. This time, I was on my own and glad that some of my friends wanted to share some of their moments with me. Thank you.

PS: Let's appreciate what we have today!

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