Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The field work in Sarawak

Kuala Lumpur - Kuching - Sibu - Miri - Mulu - Miri - Kuala Lumpur

That was the sum up of all the places I visited for field work in just a week. It was an amazing and interesting experience for me to get this opportunity. Being back in Sarawak after the 3 months training in 2017, was something that I never expected to happened this soon. 

This time around the visit was not only in Kuching but also we travelled to Miri, Sibu and Mulu! Anyway, here are some updated of what learnt during the week:

1. Managing and organising events in three different places 
We were lucky to get the help from Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Sarawak to help us organise the events. The events were promoted through the websites and were open to the service providers to come and listen to the speech. We organise with JPN Sarawak through phone calls and emails, for example the booking of the venue, the materials to use and so on. We worked collaboratively and the events were held properly through delegating the work effectively with good communication 

2. Monitoring and observing the ground work of services in school

I think being able to monitor and observe the services in the schools was really interesting and exciting. Especially when my job nowadays is mainly focused on preparing the framework, paperwork and so on. Being able to go and check what happens on the ground wad such an opportunity. Here in Sarawak, we were able to witness and understand for ourselves the situation in the remote schools.

3. Reminds me of my time in SK Kampung Kenang

Being in a remote area school brought back memories of SK Kampung Kenang. Teachers eating together in the canteen, students staying in the hostel, the clear river, the quietness and everything - such a wonderful moment.

Visiting and experiencing local attractions in Mulu
  • Lang Cave and Deer Cave
The entrance of the National Park just 10 minutes from SK Batu Bungan. We went to the cave to see it for ourselves - the amazing and stunning geography that is world famous. The visit was quite short but both caves have their own identity. I would like to go back some day to explore further. We were lucky to view the bats flying out from the cave before the darkness of night came.
  • Clear water cave system
The headmistress - Puan Molly and her team brought us to the Clear Water cave system also located nearby the school by boat. The journey took us 30 to 40 minutes and because it was dry season, the river was a bit shallow. The teachers managed to impress us with their skills handling the boat in a shallow river. When we arrived, I was amazed with the place because of the stunning and beautiful view; the water was cold and we fed the fish there and we could see them clearly.
  • Penan cultural/village market
On the way back from the Clear Water Cave, we stopped by Penan village to visit the market and also to view the surroundings of the village. I loved it!

Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to do this again.

PS: Thank you to En. Aedy, En. Val and Aina for sharing the experience with me!

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