Tuesday, November 17, 2015


This week I would like to write about the experience doing a book talk to Ministry of International Trade and Industry officers.

For the second time around, I have been invited by the ministry to talk about the books I have written: LTME1 and LTME2. In my last visit, I had only published the the first book and the second book was still in a draft version. So, I had to assess critically what to repeat and what new exciting experiences to share with the audience. I wanted to try to be new and fresh in my presentation instead of dull and boring.

I used the story of Aladdin as part of my presentation, at the beginning, to get people talking and excited. However, the session that I had with them was not mainly about Aladdin but about LTME. As exciting as the Aladdin journey, LTME brings the excitement and joy of education round the world.

In the middle of the presentation, I showed a photo of the lamp that Aladdin found and how he got the help of the genie. How lucky for him. However, in the LTME story I did not meet a genie but I did meet a lot of people who were so supportive and helped LTME to grow. Some peope heled as motivator, provided guidance, showing me the right way to go. If you read this, you know who you are!

I ended my presentation by showing a picture of Aladdin with Jasmine and a big castle. What a nice ending for him. However, LTME is still a jorney even you have read the last page. It can be carried out by me or by anyone out there. The journey that I took sometimes may not be as glamorous as Aladdin's life. I may not be as rich as a prince and not as popular but definitely LTME journey brings me a lot of satisfaction. The thirst and hunger for a new adventure in the education world will always be there!

Thank you MITI for inviting me for the second time around. Loved it!

PS: Let's walk with me to the university! (only if you know what I mean)

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