Sunday, July 26, 2015


SELAMAT HARI RAYA... all! it's never too late to wish right? As we celebrate Aidilfitri for a month!

it was a very interesting Raya celebration for me and my family this year. All of my siblings were finally able to be back at home and celebrate together. It has been a while since everyone could make it on the first day of Raya at home. So it was very nice to have all of us together.

Next year, I'm not sure... Let's just hope for the best and appreciate what we have for now.

How about your Raya celebration? I heard it was amazing as well. Yay!

My handsome dad and Pretty Mom on the first day of Raya! (Duit raya please..haha..)
PS: Excited with the upcoming future. Are you excited as well?

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