Wednesday, January 14, 2015 are so open towards the opportunity to LEARN...

A few days ago, I saw a few kids playing outside of their apartment - a small space near the parking lot. I was on my way to the elevator to go and see Rohaizat and his family - my usual way of spending my time when I'm in KL. Yeah, I enjoy meeting my best friend who I know since our secondary school time! Ahaha (maybe I should write an entry about this with his permission!)

So back to the story, I saw these kids playing with a ball. Kicking to each other and then the ball kept going into the drain. I could see some frustration every time it happened. Then one of the kids started to use his slippers to make a wall to prevent the ball from going into the drain. It was fine for a while but then the ball was kicked so hard that it moved the slipper and everything went inside the drain (the drain was dry luckily).

However, the kids didn't look as frustrated as before this time. They started to follow their friend's idea. They all gave up their slippers and make a wall. This time a better one! I waited for a while just to see what happened while pretending that I was looking at my car... quite a good actor I am... or maybe the kids were just too lazy and busy to notice that I am there! They were much too busy focusing on their game...ahaha

The wall looked much stronger this time. They played a bit longer but then the ball slipped into the drain again. Interestingly, the kids became much more creative - they used things around them that they could find to make a wall. They used bricks, wood and some more stuff that they found! good!

The wall looked much stronger this time. They played a bit longer but then the ball slipped into the drain again. Interestingly, the kids became much more creative - they used things around them that they could find to make a wall. They used bricks, wood and some more stuff that they found! So good to see that!

Then, I left them to go upstairs to Rohaizat's place. It was really interesting to witness that and to see how
children are so open towards the opportunity to learn around them, to learn from each other. Now that I'm not working directly with kids as a teacher, it's quite difficult to see this. Being an adult sometimes is much more complex and involves many more things to consider! Thanks kids!

PS; just another cup of tea

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