Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Working closely with year 6 teachers

Last Thursday, I went to SK Jalan Selangor. It was for my regular visit to Year 6 UPSR teachers working on creating sites (Frog) to use in the class for revision purposes. Going to school always excites me especially when I have a chance to discuss issues with teachers and say 'HI' to the kids. I'm glad to be able to discuss and share the experience that I have with the teachers in SK Jalan Selangor. It makes me think and evaluate my own previous learning experience when helping to enhance the teaching and learning for the kids. At the same time, the same process happens to the Year 6 teachers when they evaluate and when we reflect on what we have done before. Now, it's time to improve using the virtual learning environment (VLE)! :)

Our plan is to use Frog to create sites and utilise it to the fullest for revision purposes. I found that this is exciting especially to explore how the virtual learning environment can help to enhance the teaching and learning of Year 6 pupils in order to prepare them for UPSR examination.This is still new to me as well to the teachers. When I was a teacher in SK Kampung Kenang, I did not have the chance to use Frog, so this time is an opportunity for me and the Year 6 teachers to see how we can use it to help the learning of the kids.

I am glad to see the positive attitude of the Year 6 teachers that I work with. Their efforts are really appreciated and I hope that we can plan a few excellent sites and teach the kids well!

PS: Keep #prayforMH370

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