do you prefer to be happy all the time or is being sad a good experience?
It's already 4 a.m in the morning...I can't really sleep tonight. So excited thinking about my trip to Ghana. I believe it will be a very huge new different experience for me. My first visit to the African continent! woohooo ;)
The main reason that I cannot sleep is because I haven't really finished packing my stuff yet....ahaha... and it is also my plan not to sleep too much because I just want to sleep in the plane later. Sounds weird but that is what I always do every time I travel. So, keep doing the regular activity ;)I
We talked a lot about African countries in our class, assignments and the latest one at the colloquim (the great pink booklet). We also discussed a lot about Ghana and Omega schools. This visit will be a practical experience - an experience that will definitely change my perception, change my views and most importantly giving concrete proof to what we have discussed in class before.
Ghana - a very interesting country with the same year of independence as Malaysia, 1957! I am ready to go, are you with me for the journey? come on!!!
ps: I cannot believe it. I bought sun lotion... lol! never used any in Malaysia before... the weather is quite similar between Ghana and Malaysia aha
i have some materials from Malaysia "pelikat" and "songket" to give as souvenirs...
Have a nice trip! Take care =)