Monday, July 02, 2012

Bangun Berdiri (A song)

The examination is just around the corner. My year 6 pupils look not so motivated. So, i came out with an idea to create a song. i do not know you will like it or not, but at least they like it. I think sometimes we just need something to relate to. And I guess this song will help them a bit! :D

The video is made like that because it's easier to record, and it is also easier to show to the kids and repeat as much as I can to them in the class in order to teach the song. I cannot play any musical instrument so sorry for the not so good voice! :D Wahahaha! Next time when the kids practice it with some musical instruments, I believe it will sound better and I post it again :D Just listen to it first, maybe you can relate too ;)

Bangun berdiri...

Ku simpan di dalam lubuk hati
Suatu hasrat yang tersembunyi
Akankah menjadi realiti
Atau sekadar mimpi

Kusedar siapa diri ini
Insan biasa di dunia sepi
Namun Semangat juang berapi
Segala ku harungi

Akanku tempuhi onak duri
Lautan ribut kan ku renangi
Setinggi gunung akanku daki
Mengejar mimpi...

Akanku ukir jadikan pelangi
Kejayaan yang cantik menghiasi
Walau tersungkur jatuh berkali
Ku bangun berdiri

Tak seindah apa di pandangan
Tak terbayang di akal fikiran
Tapi takkan kau keseorangan
Hadapi kehidupan

p/s: Whatever! :D


  1. creative..all the best sir apiz..

    ps: emm.thanks for visiting ija's life stories and be follower of my blog ...syukran

  2. Thanks didie and Ija... and thanks for the visit and supports ;) take care! :D
