Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Teacher Education Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand

I'm in Kuala Lumpur at the moment. That means no school for few days. Tomorrow I will fly to Bangkok to attend a Teacher Education Meeting: How to apply enriched resources in teacher's education classroom for an improvement in professional teaching. This meeting is organized Pico (Thailand) Public Company Limited.

I have been given a session together with Dr. Keith
Thomas on "Using Teachers TV in teacher training in the UK and Malaysia. When we were doing the degree before, we used Teachers TV a lot to see how teaching and  learning conducted in a classroom outside of Malaysia. We gain lots of knowledge and and idea to start a discussion about issued that maybe appear in a classroom and much more. I will share my experience during my study before and also share with them about this blog.

I can't wait to meet with new peoples in Thailand. It will be so great to share experiences and see teaching and learning in other country. I been to Thailand last year actually to Pattaya, so this is my second trip to Thailand but this time will be in Bangkok.

Let's hope everything will be great and more good things can be achieved :)

p/s: Practising using English language tonight so that I will not be tongue tide (so long did not use English for a while, just Malay and Temiar...wahaha)