Thursday, January 05, 2012

Blue, blue sky

The sky was so blue on the first day. All pupils look so clean and so tidy in their new white school uniforms. There are lots of new faces looks very nervous, their first day to start the school. Some parents were also in the school to register their children. Some pupils look very confident to start another  year of school. Yeah!!! It's our first day of school for 2012 session...

The sky was soblue on the first day. Birds were happily fly on the sky - maybe they also excited and welcoming all of us back to school. Great start, great weathe...hopefully another great year for everybody. :)

p/s: Happy to see the pupils...


  1. 2nd day of class...banjir sampai tak leh nk pg taklimat..hoho..happy teaching,sir :)

  2. heard a lot about you! :) best of luck in your studies.
