Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Roses for all of you :)

Thank you to everyone that keep coming visiting this blog :) I'm sorry that my blog is so simple. I'm sorry that my English is just simple and always comes with lots of grammar mistakes. But I believe in what I'm doing and I do what I believe :)

It's quite weird for me to see more and more people interested to come here. I really appreciate it :) I'm using this blog to reflect what I learn in life. So, I am sure that I am very very far away from you guys and I admit that lots of things that I really do not know about the blog world :)

But thank you so much for the supports and encouragements :) For some bloggers that help to promote this blog in their blog like Ben Ashaari, kerabat kenshiro, abhamz, broframestone, cikgu dahlia and many more that talk about this blog, a lot and lot and lot of thank you. :)

I really need to learn much more things about this blogging world. Will appreciate so much if anyone want to help me with that :) But at this point, this is what I have and this is my blog, welcome and enjoy and learn what ever you may learn :) Roses for all of you :)

p/s: Wish me luck for Pattaya, Thailand 2011 :)


  1. wow. rose merah! haha ;D

  2. skali skale folo blog yg gne bhse full eng..
    fuhh best jgk..
    bley improve eng sy jgk..hoho ;)

    xksh la grmmr mstakes..
    jnji org fhm ape yg nk d smpikn :))

  3. As salam.. Your blog is simple. Your English is really good and better than mine. :-) Do come visit my blog. :-)

  4. salam bro..kenal kami lagi tak..satu sekolah masa pbs dekat sri perdana dulu.tak slah masa tu bro buat prktikum....zubir othman dari maktab perguruan islam...nice2...tahniah ats kemenangan yang diperolehi...

  5. Hi apis.. saya ni seorang yang sangat malas nak baca blog2 yang berbahasa inggeris. tapi since baca your blog, saya kata..ok...english yang simple and mudah utk difahami. Tak kisah la broken grammar sekali pon, tapi selagi orang paham...ok ape! tak guna gak kalau proper grammar, pastu siap guna words yang canggih2 tapi orang tak paham. buang masa...

  6. Tahniah ya menang APICTA awards..

  7. Salam~saya mengenali anda dari abg Ben. Terus suka. Dan terus follow. Hehe. Tahniah dapat awards! :)

  8. Roses itu cantik..

  9. okay what your english.tak kisahla broken ke tak,janji orang lain faham apa yang awak cuba sampaikan.yang penting,ada usaha untuk tulis dalam english dan boleh improve dari semasa ke semasa. :D

  10. small matter :D
    tak salah berkongsi.. lagipun blog apis ni bermanfaat :D

  11. hehehe hati2 kat thailand nanti.. banjir nie...
