Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Dr. Kit's visit to SK Kampung Kenang

On 30 July 2010, our school was so lucky to get a visit from Dr. Kit and his colleagues from UCSI, Ms Mas and Ms Sara. They came to see this school because they were so attracted to know about Orang Asli School and the surroundings and of course to see the use of ARM and active learning in my teaching and learning session here. They wanted to see how much ARM can help the pupils in learning especially in Mathematics. I felt so great and happy to get the opportunity to have a visit from him. This visit was an addition of a new interesting experience in my journey in education world.

I know Dr. Kit because he is one of my lecturers when I was studying in Teacher Teaching Institute. The Degree was given by University of Hertfordshire, UK in Primary Education. So, Dr. Kit is one of the lecturers from Uh that always came to visit his students in Malaysia. Right now, Dr. Kit is the Dean of faculty of Education UCSI, Terengganu Campus. After the study in Teacher's Training Center in Kota Bharu was finished, I still have contact with some of my UH lecturers via emails. Luckily Dr. Kit was here in Malaysia. He likes to encourage me to be a good teacher and then he interested to give a visit to my school after read about it from this blog.

During the visit, Dr. Kit had been welcomed by the headmistress, Puan Mariam Bt., Yahya and also all of the other teachers and staff here. I can saw that every one was so glad with the visit. They looks excited because it was a first visit that we get from UK.

The pupils were so excited more than the teachers to meet Dr. Kit since the day that I told them about the visit from people from UK. They really want to meet Dr. Kit and see themselves. Sometimes in the class, I always tell them that if they study and perform successfully, they can further their study not only in Malaysia but also in overseas. So, this is a perfect time for them to see clearly what I had said before and I believed it can open their eyes widely.

Dr. Kit had go through all the classes and met with all the pupils during the visit. I was so glad that Dr. Kit was so cool to visit class by class and try to communicate with the pupils. Although the pupils were so shy but I know that deep inside they were so happy and excited from their facial expression and body language. It shows!

Then, after that, I brought Dr. Kit to the computer lab for interview session with year 5 pupils. A day before the visit, I already give a task to the pupils to fill up their Origami Book with the information that they got by interviewing Dr. Kit. The questions were simple and easy but it really can help the pupils to be brave to use English language and also can make them realized that English is important language rather than Malay language. My pupils always believed that English language is not important to them because no one in the village use it. it just a third language. After this visit, I have a point now that English is important for them to learn too.

I observed that my Year 5 pupils were trying hardly to communicate with Dr. Kit in English. The best thing to see was that they suddenly be so brave to gather around Dr. Kit and approach him although they know that Dr. Kit speaks English. i just smile to when I observed they act like that. It was so rare to see but it was good for them.

After the session with year 5 pupils, I bring Dr. kits and hiscolleagues to visit the village. we went to see the houses around the school, the surroundings and the river. The visit had given a great impact to the school especially to the pupils. I believed that it can open their views and ideas widely and I hope that it can motivate them to study and to change their community in the future. To Dr. Kit, Ms Mas and Ms. Sara, thank you very much for spending some time in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Kenang. we were so happy and hopefully in the future all of you will come again here. By the way, this is the feedback from Dr. Kit after the visit:

Kit Thomas "I have just been to visit Hafiz's school in Kampung Kenang, Sungai Siput. This was a wonderful privilege for me, Miss Sara and Miss Mas. We were made so welcome by Hafiz, his colleagues and pupils. The Head Teacher, Puan Mariam, is simply an inspiration and we wish her every success on her forthcoming retirement after ...a work life dedicated to education. Hafiz and Miss Ikin were first rate tour guides and showed us the surrounding areas and places of interest. We will always remember the smiling faces of the pupils who were pleased to see us and tried out their English on us. We were able to visit their classrooms, see them learning and developing using ARM and ICT. We loved their singing and lively rhythmic performance of 'The lion sleeps tonight'. What a wonderful school this is: dedicated staff and a school with a clear vision and leadership, enhanced by Hafiz's professionalism and ability to bring people together. We will keep in touch and I hope that we can bring this blog to a wider..."

p/s: Let's do the things that people rarely wants to do...the road not taken ;)

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