Monday, July 22, 2019

Active Learning, Reflection and Modelling (ARM) in TECOF 2019

On 6 June 2019, I was invited to share my experience and knowledge regarding the pedagogy and teaching and learning of mathematics. I chose to present the topic of "Using ARM theory for practical learning". The programme was part of the Teachers' Conference 2019 (TECOF Mathematics 2019) held from 6 to 7 July 2019 at Premiera Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. There were about 14 other speakers from various backgrounds speaking at the conference.

It's been a while since I gave a presentation in a teaching and learning conference. So, I was looking forward to this one. Even though I was a bit nervous about the experience, I was glad that a few events had taken place a few weeks before the day which helped me polish my presentation skills.

In the presentation, I tried my best to explain about ARM, and get the participants to experience as closely as they can: active learning, reflection and modelling. I was glad that the participants were very participative and cool. They played the games I prepared for active learning; they reflected on their own experience and followed the instructions I modelled to them. Hopefully, the teachers who participated in the conference will be able to use some of the ARM approaches for practical learning and furthermore will be able to come out with much more fantastic and creative pedagogy.

I left the venue with so much more confidence and very thankful to the experiences I had in Kampung Kenang and Kasoa!

Ps: teaching is just exciting!

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