Tuesday, January 06, 2015


I am back in Malaysia now after a short visit to the UK. First to get started with the Life history research with University of Hertfordshire, second to visit Dr. Kit and family and third to Khairi, my good friend since studying during foundation in IPG Batu Rakit, Kuala Terengganu.

For me, this visit is really important. Not just because of the work that needs to be done but the most important is to go away for a little bit from the world of working life. I just need a place to recover, to reflect and to analyse my experience in 2014. Too many things have been happening in 2014 such as changing career, second book launched, staying in KL and many more.

The research study has officially started now! Wow! I'm very glad to be a part of this project. There will be series of interviews to be held later on via online - possibly Skype. This research will be about the use of ARM in my teaching and learning but going deeper than just in my teaching in school experience. It will covers the life when I was a student to see how does it prepared me to accept ARM. Interesting!

I'm very glad to meet Dr. Kit as he really understands what I have been through. I'm really happy to have a mentor and a best friend like him! Always there to support me and my decision. hopefully it will be forever! ahaha

Meeting Khairi in Bristol is also amazing. Glad to be there and give him a little bit of support. I also liked to go and see the University of Bristol. It gave me more motivation for my next steps ... maybe ... Listening to Khairi's experience, I was really able to relate with him. Good luck all the way Khairi! Yes, You Can!

2015! Come and I'm ready to rock!

PS: nervous all the time

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