Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Buka Puasa!'s almost the end of fasting month already. This year it feels great to be back home and performing the fasting here in Malaysia. The fasting time feels much more normal than last summer in the UK. The day time was so long! and hot! (me complaining..wahaha)

I have 'buka puasa' twice already with my new colleagues. working environment and new friends. Once we did the iftar in Mid valley in a sushi restaurant. That first one was my team mates, only four of us (I am the only muslim though). It was great to hang out with my team after work and share the joy of buka puasa with them.

The second one was just a few days ago in Publika, in a western food restaurant. This event was organised by our company, so everyone in the office were invited. I had a wonderful time again sharing the buka puasa time with them. Most importantly, was the time to find connections with each other and learn more about my colleagues instead of just knowing them as friends working together!

PS: I even shared with them how to wear sampin! wahaha 

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