Friday, May 23, 2014

Online Tour

This is so amazing! To bring yokids in your class for a tour without really being there. Online tour! I think this is the amazing things about the technology. No need paperwork to bring your kids outside of the school, no need to think about budget and no need to think about the kids safety!

Watch this video and see how this kids learn from an Eagle Tour in Kuala Selangor!

If I am still a teacher, this is definitely something that I will join. It's good for kids to do and learmn. So many steps we can cut off in online world - bring the new learning experience in the classroom.

Please do not hesitate to contact me or send me message if you are interested to organise online and live learning experience to your classroom! :D exciting! 

PS: Great things happen when you do something,so act for it :D

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