Friday, September 28, 2012

making a decision

Today I just made another decision! After a few days thinking about it, I think I just need to decide and do not have to think about it anymore. It was about the modules that I wanted to do for my masters degree. When I applying for this masters, International development and education, I do not have any idea that it will come together with 5 different pathways that I can choose to take.

I decided to just stick with the modules that I first choose when I appplied. I do interested to take a module called Student tutoring which I will be able to go to UK school and do some teaching work there. But I missed to fill my name in! So sad! But what to do...I need to move on, so I discussed with Rene, my programme director and he will help me find away to do some work in school later....that's quite a re;ief

Makin never ends right! Once you decide something there will be hundred more later you need to decide. Sometime maybe I do not have to worry much because I think there are no really corrrect or incorrect decisions... It's us who go through it and choose to celebrate it or to make it a problem... ahaha....try to be positive... ;)

p/s: the end of induction week!


  1. yes..positive thinking bro apis..i hope can further study overseas..amin

    1. Thanks Ija for constant supports.... I hope you will get a chance in future too k :)

  2. dont even afraid to make decision. wrong or right we always learn from mistakes right

    1. Yep! It's true! What ever happen, decision still need to be made

  3. Salam Hafiz, if you need any help in terms of data/documents particularly pertaining to Teacher Training, don't hesitate to contact us at Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG). Have you chosen a topic for your Masters Dissertation? Is your Programme 100% dissertation or you have exams and short assignments as well? My advise is to choose your topic well. You're most welcome to email me or any of your lecturers at the campus.
    Talking about decisions - be focus especially concerning matters that are priorities, urgent and important.
    All the best.. I pray for your success, health, safety . Keep the MOE and IPG flag flying high

  4. Salam Hafiz, FYI - Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia (IPGM) is in Cyberjaya. You can access it thru MOE's web page. IPGM and Bahagian Pendidikan Guru are divisions in MOE where policies on teacher education and training are made. I feel I need to tell you this for future needs and reference. I still remember how helpless and handicapped I felt when I was overseas pursuing post graduate studies - I needed some data back home and I don't know who or where to turn to. Again...I pray for your success and I pray and hope you will return to your former school and make a difference to the orang asli children after achieving your masters degree

    1. terima kasih atas makluman :) baru terbaca message ni :)
