Thursday, December 08, 2011

No planning, just go! :D

It was already 9p.m and I was lying on the couch while my eyes were busy watching the television. Suddenly, I felt that I wanted to go somewhere, do something and I feel like driving. Only one place came to my mind: Terengganu. I asked my younger brother and younger sister whether they want to follow me and they said "YES".

Without wasting anymore minutes, I called Dr. Kit (The Dean of UCSI Terengganu Campus - good friend) to ask whether I can stay there for few days, and lucky for me he also said "YES"

So, the journey began that night! No advanced plan, no plan that we will drive that far, nothing at all... But luckily my mom and dad gave the permission and let us go that night. The journey was fine, and the weather was also good... We arrived at Kuala Terengganu at about 6 a.m in the morning.

We went around the Kuala terengganu town on that 3 days. We went to visit Crystal Mosque, River Cruise, Terengganu Museum and some more places. It was a great time for 3 of us. This was the furtherst place we ever been togethr. Before this, we always go out together but mostly just around Alor Setar only... hehehe

I think it was a memorable experience. Next time I should plan properly and bring the whole family to Terengganu... I think I need this holidays. After few surprised things happen to me, I just need a break. I hope all teachers out there, where ever you are will have a good holidays too... :)

p/s: Thank you to some good friends in UCSI Terengganu for pampering me, my bro and sis :P


  1. A good vacation is something that we should have most after dealing with the fuzziness of life...:-)

  2. Oh, I look forward to holidays too, even if it is just those one-day type of public holiday becos it feels so good to be away from work stress and have the flexibility of time for that whole day to do whatever I want.
