Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lagi Cerita tentang Trip to UH: Berjumpa Vice Chanselor

Ni salah satu peristiwa penting jugak semasa lawatan ke University of Hertfordshire. kami diberi peluang berjumpa secara dekat dengan vice chanselor of UH. Wah...peluang ni bukan senang nak dapat. pelajar sepenuh masa di UH pun belum tentu dapat berjumpa macam ni. Tak sangka dalam dia busy2 dengan hal dia dapat jugak dia luang masa sekejap dengan kami. Dia sempat bagi ucapan sekejap untuk alu-alukan kedatangan kami dan rasanya dia ni sangat peramah dan suka bergambar...haha... Apa pun, aku rasa sangat bertuah la...hehe..
Ha...sehari lepas perjumpaan tu, kami dapat tahu yang vice chanselor ni telah pun menulis tentang lawatan kami kat dalam blog adalah apa yang dia telah tulis...enjoy:

Malaysian Visitors

Wednesday 03 June 2009

The University works with international partners in many different ways. For the last few years, our School of Education has been running a supporting the Institut Perguruan Kota Bharu (IPKB) in delivering a BEd Hons Mathematics Programme. The objective of this programme was to help Malaysia make teaching an all-graduate profession and UH has been working in a consortium of international universities to support this policy. This morning, I welcomed 13 students and 2 members of staff from IPKB who are visiting the UK for ten days to witness Primary School education in the UK and to experience UK Higher Education personally. It is always a pleasure to meet visitors from Malaysia - it is well known that I have many friends in Malaysia myself.There is no doubt that the University has helped the Institut in developing its programme, and this will be sustained for many years by the Malaysian government. This is excellent work by the School of Education and hopefully is the beginning of further ventures in other countries as the University extends its network of friends on a global basis.

p/s: mari kita sama-sama pakat usaha untuk apa jugak yang kita nak. "When there is a will, there is a way"

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